Sunday 12 January 2014

slow sunday sewing

No let up on the weather today, it's remains bitter cold, lots of wind and yesterdays hail has been swapped for heavy sleet filled rain showers... yuk. 

It's been very much a stay indoors unless you really have to go out sort of day. 
so stay indoors we did, himself has been busy working out how much seed we need to order to re-seed the hay fields this spring & the girls were both busy working on school projects or lost in the latest read, so I sat happily in the sewing room and had a very productive day.

Goodnight Irene V2
This one is for me & shall be done along with the other girls on the sew along, I'm doing a generous double with an extra border, so i've upped the 5 blocks a month to 12 (which includes border blocks) so that we are running in time with everyone else.

Square within a square toddler blocks.. Another 80 done !

And I did as many more christmas log cabin blocks as I could get done before I ran out of dark red fabrics, I think I've got enough blocks now for a wallhanging and a table runner, i'll pin them on the wall shortly and see how it goes. 

So i've been sitting, mug of T in hand, browsing amazon looking for some new quilt books for which to use my christmas amazon vouchers on and I'm just finding nothing, my girls got me city sampler & quilt revival for christmas & there just doesn't seem to be anything else on the go which isn't aimed at the inexperienced stitcher of small things, ie books for bags, half aprongs, pot mats etc, what on earth happened to dedicating books to quilts rather than 1001 things you can do with a 40 piece jelly roll, frustrating some, I want quilts I can sink my teeth into (I've already done 2 Dear Janes before someone suggests it ).


  1. Your goodnight Irene blocks look wonderful! I love those colors! :0)

  2. Lovely fabric...great looking blocks!

  3. Can't wait to see it when it is done.

  4. your goodnight Irene blocks are lovely....and the economy blocks are wonderful.

  5. How about one of Judy Martin's books on log cabins? Her recent new one, Extraordinary Log Cabins, has some wonderful quilts that look quite imvolved and might be a challenge for you.

  6. I love all your blocks. You are on your second Goodnight Irene quilt. I have just started my first.

    Two Dear Janes! Oh, my!

    Have you seen the "Farmer's Wife" sampler quilt book? It is 6 inch traditional blocks. You might enjoy that. It is not as challenging as the Dear Jane, though.

    Also, I have a book called "101 Fabulous Rotary Cut Quilts" from Martingale publishing company that is all quilts. Martingale has some others of these big books of just quilts, too.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your work ... :) Pat

  7. Love all your blocks and fabrics combo.
    Two Dear Jane?That`s fabulous.Three years trying to finish one and hope to do this year several blocks.I`m doing in blue fabrics.

    Have a fun day

  8. You certainly accomplished a lot!! Your Goodnight Irene blocks are great!

  9. Here is a book that may interest a Dear Jane quilter ...
    It is called Nearly Insane by Liz Lois and is a collection of 93 quilt blocks from an 1870 quilt. I just enjoying looking at these blocks when I see them. I will not be sewing these anytime soon. I did actually see Jane Stickle's quilt in the museum once and I did buy the book. I am yet to sew one of these blocks either ... :) Pat

    1. Thanks for dropping that book link !! It's fantastic, something to justify collecting all those cival war fabrics again !


  10. Your blocks look great , this is such a fun quilt!

  11. Your Goodnight Irene blocks are great! You are going to have a nice sized quilt with that many blocks.

  12. Your blocks look so pretty. I finally got mine done. You look like you're going to be quite busy with a those fun projects.
