Wednesday 22 January 2014


But we've been having a run of it.
Gastly weather that is !
One of our greehouses was torn apart the other night in winds over 80mph, so the past few days have been spent repairing it & its now almost good as new.
More than can be said about the roof, which is leaking & it's still far to windy to be able to get on the roof and make repairs, so we live with buckets & a continual drip.

On the upside. I got another toddler quilt done

And a good few more blocks for Goodnight Irene v2
20 more of these to go & than I can start on the X blocks & borders.

Now, after spending days drooling over the Vintage Quilt Revival book which I got for christmas, I gave in the other day & fabric shopped to make 3 quilts from it, and decided that once the fabric arrives I'd join in with the block along.


  1. Lovely to see more of your goodnight Irene blocks! :0)

  2. Your economy blocks are coming along nicely...I need to get my GI blocks finished for this month.
